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Domingo Bingo - Sunday Bingo - 4th Game

Bingo Beneficiente

The Bingo provides support to the poor, the elderly and at Christmas time they give gifts to the kids.

We came and spent an afternoon both pleasant and festive. Maybe I should not call it Domingo Bingo any more since we often play on Saturdays. *SMILE* Once again we attended the Charity Bingo, on Saturday, December 8, with a change of venue. The farm in São João da Boa Vista was prebooked so we met again in the building in Águas da Prata.

There were many prizes to be won and purchased, created by or supplied by the players.

The prizes mostly carried a Festive Christmas motif.

The prizes to be won or purchased were numerous as well as elegant. They are all donated for the event.

Here are more of this lovely collection.

This is a basket of special prizes won for door prizes or lucky draws.

Wow! A set of dishes for some lucky player.

Now the players with Laura wait in anticipation for the games to start.

Here are Judite and Odila.


Maria Aparecida and Maria do Socorro!

Maria, the Caller, with a beautiful smile for the camera.

Judy, Bette and Roberto discuss strategy.

Neide, Virginia and Zila!

The used Bingo Cards are collected by Lourdes for a Lucky Draw.

Vera shows the prize in the next game.

Lourdes and Virgina served coffee during a break in the games.

Bette and Roberto study their card intensly.

Serious playing by serious players Lucia e Rosa!

Judite and other players waiting for the next number from the caller, Lucia.

These games get really intense.

Playing to win!

Two ladies
Marisa e Maria Aparecida, play while Joyce has a break.

Now it is snack time. Here Romilda is starting to serve the snacks.

MMMMMMM! These snacks are delightfuly enjoyed by everyone.

Laura has a birthday (just like last year). Here is her birthday cake.

Time for Joelma to light the candles.

There is also a second cake.

Happy Birthday to you, Laura!

This time we won a lovely center piece for the Christmas Table and a Music Box. We also won a mat and a beaded necklace (not shown here).

So a great time was had by all and these Bingos are a great social gathering and a wonderful opportunity to meet many new friends and practice my Portuguese.

Photos by Urso Branco

1 comment:

  1. Hey Domingo, just checking back for new articles. How goes the play? Are you still posting?


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